Special Issue: CLIVAR-FIO Summer course on "Past, Present and Future Sea Level Changes" now online!
CLIVAR aims to understand the dynamics, the interaction, and the predictability of the climate system with emphasis on ocean-atmosphere interactions, and to fulfill this mission, it is important to foster international collaborations among the scientific community, with a strong emphasis on engaging the Early Career Scientists (ECS). For this purpose and among other efforts, CLIVAR has established a plan to offer a Series of Summer Courses; on even years in collaboration with the First Institute of Oceanography (China), and on odd years with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy).
The 2018 event was titled "Summer Course on Past, Present and Future Sea Level changes", and was held in June 2018 in Qingdao; with the purpose of providing early career scientists and engineers specializing in sea level research with an update in observations, knowledge, and understanding for the study of global and regional sea level changes and their impacts in coastal areas.
A thorough selection process of the applicants, taking into account potential for future knowledge transfer, education background and scientific expertise, widest possible geographical distribution while supporting developing countries, gender balance distribution, and of course the potential contribution of the applicants to the summer school, resulted in 38 trainees from 25 countries (15 females and 23 males) for the CLIVAR-FIO summer School in 2018.
This special issue of Exchanges magazine publishes all highest scored reports prepared by the summer school trainees. More specifically, all trainees were required to give a presentation on their main research focus, their institutions' work areas and/or preliminary ideas for cooperation with other countries in the region, and the trainee reports were graded based also on their contribution to establishing a research network and identifying possible areas of cooperation among the trainees.
The Special issue of Exchanges on CLIVAR-FIO Summer course on "Past, Present and Future Sea Level Changes" can be downloaded here.