SPP Indonesian Networking Day at ZMT Bremen
SPP-1889 SeaLevel projects with a main research focus on sea level changes and the impact on society in the Southeast Asia and Indonesia Overflow region gathered in Bremen to foster their interaction and collaboration.
The Indonesian Networking Day, organized by SPP colleagues working in the EMERSA project, took place at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), bringing together representatives from the projects Asia-Floods, CoRSEA, EMERSA, IndoArchipel, SEASchange, and TRANSOCAP. The SPP SeaLevel Coordination Office also joined this interesting meeting.
The participating projects presented an overview of their objectives and new results from their research and fieldwork, and had the opportunity to reflect on and discuss each other’s research outcomes, as well as to inform each other about future activities and fieldwork, upcoming workshops and other plans.
Furthermore, the projects focused on mapping common grounds of interest and possible ways for further interaction, communication and cooperation among the projects.
A focal point of the discussion was what kind of information is needed from the natural sciences to feed into the research of social sciences involved in the SPP SeaLevel program, and vice versa, as well as further pathways to carry out and reinforce this exchange of knowledge. Examples of such a joint effort and collaboration have been already demonstrated, such as between the social scientists from the TRANSOCAP project and the natural scientists from the CoRSEA project, inspiring further courses of actions in this direction among the projects. As a basis for further collaboration, and as tool for SPP-wide information exchange, the creation of an information database was discussed which will be accessible by all SPP members via the internal area of the SPP website.
A main goal of the forthcoming 2nd SPP SeaLevel Annual Meeting planned in March 2018 in Hamburg will be to further develop and strengthen this ongoing integration among all projects and different scientific disciplines embraced in the SPP SeaLevel!